Ideological and theoretical evolution of V.I. Lenin’s views on the form of the state in the context of the first stages of the formation of Soviet statehood

  • Vereschagina A.V.

    Сandidate of legal sciences, associate professor head of the Department of Criminal Law disciplines of the Institute of Law
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Dovbysh A.V.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The paper is dedicate to the evolution by Lenin’s views on the state form which its planned to create after of the advent to power by Bolsheviks and its normative fixation in the First Soviet Russian Constitution 1918. In the transformation Lenin’s views authors distinguished four periods (the criterion is political events which influenced on its content). Lenin’s views on the state we can characterize as static and dynamic. Constantly V.I. Lenin advanced ideas the social revolution, creation republic in the combination with the dictatorship of the proletariat with the purpose of the keeping back of the power. For the achievement of this purpose Lenin supposed to use the naked violence right up to the physical destruction of enemies of the socialist revolution.. The dynamic aspect is revealing in theirs correction of the state system, authorities of agencies and its assignation in the dependence from political situation and solved tactical tasks. Two main factors influenced on Lenin’s notions and its realization.

First, the conditions for the formation of the leader’s personality, in particular, the interest in the revolutionary-democratic ideas that existed in the family, influenced the system of VI Lenin’s views and their implementation. Secondly, it’s conditions of the life in the pre-revolutionary Russia. Other words the power organization in the tsarist Russia was the example for the leader of the Bolshevist party and repeat was the legitimation in the First Soviet Constitution.  

The created Soviet state corresponded to Lenin’s person with his notions about concentrated of the powerful in controlled by the ruling party executive bodies and the socio-economic level of the development of Russia. The research is founded on the scrupulous analysis Lenin’s works on which it’s expounded .his ideas about the coming proletarian state.

Keywords: V.I. Lenin, socialist revolution, form state, dictatorship of the proletariat, federation, Soviet republic.